Our Company


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United Air Condition Services(Pvt)Ltd was established and registered in 2000 as a company specializing in Air Conditioning,Refrigeration, Duct ventilation and Extraction.

Like any other organization,growth of the company has been without obstacles .The slump in the consruction industry as a result of drought and inability of most of our clients to pay invoices timorously ,negatively impacted on the company`s epansion plan.

Good management has enabled the company to weather the harsh economic climate and remain one of the small and upcoming Refrigeration Air Condition Companies still in existence.The company has the capacity and expertise and executive thousand United States Dollars project as per 16th initial goal.

The team’s responsibility includes maintaining and repairing all existing equipment, including rebuilding/refurbishing chillers, maintenance/replacement of motors and fans included in air conditioning systems, and maintenance, repair, and replacement of air conditioning controls .

A guy with a truck might be cheap, but when it comes to the safety and quality of his work, your family probably can't afford it. You want a professional job done right the first time.


To provide value for the money to its clients on all projects it undertakes.


United Air Conditioning intends to consolidate and safeguard cits market share by instating qualitative measures in all its job execution to ensure maximum custormer satisfaction .


The company is totally focused on providing quality service and the process of continuous improvement.